System Primary: Binde F9IV Binde V - local name Auru Auru has three moons, Kheal - 92kms in diameter; Amoloth - 4800kms in diameter; and Disar - 4900kms in diameter . Auru C-477342-B S 725 Ni/Lo NA C Class Port - Routine Quality Installation. Diameter: 4000 miles (6437.4 kilometers). Atmosphere: Standard (Tainted - respirators required in coastal areas during spring when kelpweed blooms, and in late autumn when previous season's growth dies off). Hydrographics: 70% Population: 3 (7300) Government: 4 (Representative Democracy) Law Level: 2 (Portable Energy Weapons Prohibited) Technology Level: B (Average Imperial) Scout Base present (at Auru Downport) Population Modifier: 7; Planetoid Belts in System: 2; Gas Giants in System: 5 Nearest Gas Giant to Auru - Binde VII Trade Classification: Non-Industrial/Low Population. Allegiance: Non-Aligned.
Initially settled by Imperial colonists in 1007, Auru was relinquished by the Imperium following the end of the Fourth Outrim War in 1085. In 1105, three small settlements were established by the Geithurian Republic on the northern coast of Auru's main continent. As Auru has remained sparsely settled, to date there has been little contact between the northern settlements and the ex-Imperial settlements in the southern part of the continent. There are three main settlements south of the Joolian Mountains - Auru Down (site of the C Class Downport and a small Scout Base), Karas and Balshibar - that date back to the colonization of Auru in 1007. During the subsequent century, a number of smaller settlements and hamlets have been established along the southern coast and across the plain north of Auru Down. Settlements further inland, and at higher altitudes, suffer less from the annual bloom and die-off cycles of kelpweed - a large and prolific aquatic filter-feeder plant species. In the last five years, the Geithurian Republic has established three small enclaves in the northern hemisphere - Shtad at Leena Bay, Iavlej, and the mining settlement of Chiebr. The Auruis - as the local inhabitants now call themselves - remain Imperial in outlook, even though they feel that they have been abandoned by the Imperium. For the last 70 years, they have felt under pressure of annexation from both the Geithurian Republic and the Huiha Esoyatre. Occupied by the Outrim Alliance during the 4th Outrim War of 1080 - 85, many older Auruis have bitter memories of that time.
Non-aligned system situated between the Geithurian Republic and the Imperial border systems in the Lymethius Subsector.