Fiddling Around with FightersFighters are an important part of Full Thrust, supplying vital extra protection to one's own fleet or hunting out weak points in one's opponents.
Photos in the Full Thrust rules depict fighter models mounted on some form of flat base, while in More Thrust
Neither of these options appealed to me, and for a little while I was at a loss as to what to do with all these fighters I'd Jon Tuffley suggests mounting the correct number of fighters for a flight on pieces of wire that "plug in" to a pre-drilled base. He indicates that the wire mounted fighters are removeable to indicate casualties. I missed that last bit :) Firstly, I got hold of a packet of Games Workshop Flying Stands. I kept the![]()
I then proceeded to drill six 1mm holes, approximately 10mm apart, around three-quarters of the rim of the base. From my wire stock, I cut up six 7mm - 12mm pieces of high tensile wire to mount the fighters on. The first few times I made up fighter flights, I glued the wire to the fighters and then
Then I tried the assembly process the other way round. First,
Once all the fighters were successfully mounted, I undercoated them and their flight wires (being careful not to dribble paint on the base) A flight roster was added to the carrier SSD for each fighter flight where the strength of the flight, plus the number of Combat Endurance Factors (CEFs), was noted for use in games. My friend Chris followed the fighter flight basing suggested in More Thrust with his NSL fleet. He even mounted missile salvoes in a similar style. In the end, of course, it's the effect that's most pleasing to you, the modeller, that really matters. |