Basing 6mm Grav Tanks
When I got interested in trying out Dirtside II/Command Horizon I was in the fortunate position of having a number of plastic Renegade Legion 6mm grav Some years earlier, a friend of mine had shown me a set of Modern wargames rules he was working on called Red Storm. I started working on a Science Fiction variant called Plasma Storm which didn't get very far. But during that process, I experimented with basing up some Games Workshop Eldar Falcon tanks and Eldar Guardian infantry. I used some thick card for the bases, through which I drilled a hole and mounted the tank on a piece of wire.
When it came to basing the Renegade Legion tanks, I decided to use 3mm MDF for the bases as this would give the wire flight So, the first step was to cut the bases out of the MDF sheet. I had decided to retain the 30mm x 40mm base dimensions as these worked very well with the models I was using. I then drilled a hole through the base with my hand drill and glued in a length of 2mm wire. The length of wire varied between 8mm and 15mm, so across a unit, each vehicle would be at a slightly different height.
Once the flight wires were firmly glued in place, I coated each base with a layer of Selleys' Rapidfilla - available from hardware stores and used to fill cracks, nail holes, With the undercoat dry, I painted the bases a dark brown. Ordinarily, I would paint the edges of the bases the same colour as the top ground colour but this time I decided to leave the edges black. This clearly defines the base and causes it to stand out from the base cloth.
Lastly, I created brush or patches of bush by sticking clumps of foam rubber fragments - sold pre-dyed from Model Railway shops as a heavy duty flock - on to the grass. The flight wire was left painted black - and I retouched the black paint once all the flock was dry. I then matched up the vehicle model with the approximate position of the wire and drilled a hole into the base of the model. While the bases were drying from their earlier painting, I under-coated and painted the base hull colour of the vehicles (it was easier doing this while the vehicles were still attached to their sprues). When this was dry, I removed the vehicles from their sprues and touched up the anchor points.
When all the paint and flock was finally dry, it only took a drop of Super Glue For the opposing force, I tried something a little different. Once the undercoat was dry, I coated the base with a PVA/water mix and then dusted with fine sand. I then painted the sanded base with shades of brown. I used a brown mix flock to give the impression of steppe or savannah grass to finish off the base. I again used some of the green foam chip flock for bushes, as green things on the savannah either have access to a water source, or are particularly nasty or hardy.
Beth's descriptions of a partly terraformed world I use Games Workshop flight stands for all my 6mm VTOL craft assembled so far. I treat the bases of the flight stands exactly the same as the grav vehicle bases - except I don't texture the bases with Rapidfilla. This means that the affiliation of any detached VTOL can be determined quickly in the heat of battle by simply looking at the base. |