Making an Alien Chaos ManifestationOnce again, while messing around on The Miniatures Page, I stumbled over a link to an article on the Terragenesis site. This time, the discussion was about making "Alien"- looking buildings out of partially melted plastic drink containers. Unfortunately, I can't find the original link any longer, but I would recommend having a look at the Terragenesis site anyway.
With the bottles sectioned, I fired up the tea-light candle, seized a piece of bottle with my pliers, and discovered my next problem. The candle would not throw enough heat to warp the plastic before either the wind blew the candle out, or I shifted my position and had to reheat the plastic again. Luckily, I had a long-nosed barbeque lighter handy and this proved both superior to the candle in the amount of heat generated and easier and more comfortable to use than a cigarette lighter.
Under the gentle prodding of my wife I glued one bottle top section to a base first, using PVA glue, and when it was dry, heated it with both the barbeque lighter and the heat gun. The glue held, much to my delight, and the plastic was forced to warp elsewhere. When I was satisfied with the warping and burn-throughs I had managed to create, I glued the remaining bottle pieces to the CD bases and textured the exposed CD surface with polyfilla. I was able to fill up the worst of the gaps produced by the warping of the base edges of the bottle pieces at this point, as well.
While these were drying, I textured the CD bases with a PVA/water wash and a sprinkle of sand. I also added some drinking straw pitcher plants - these could be spiracles for underground chambers/egg pits. Painting continued as I tried to find a colour scheme I liked. I was working with a limited pallet of poster paints and so tried a series of washes of dark green and red over a black base. I eventually added a lilac wash as well. This was accidently resurrected from a poorly cleaned paint tray when water was added. Once the basic colour scheme was completed, I touched out the mouths of the mature 'pod houses' with red poster paint and
then some GW Red Gore. The pitcher plants were painted GW Dark Angels Green with GW Red Gore lips. The ribs of the mature 'pod houses' ended up being painted in dark green poster paint, while the ribs of the immature 'pod house' were painted a mixture of Vallejo 951 White and GW Sunburst Yellow. The sand on the CD bases was undercoated black, then dry brushed a mix of GW Graveyard Earth, Tamiya XF-67 NATO Green, and some of the left-over Vallejo/GW mix I used on the ribs of the immature 'pod house'. I also stuck a couple of small stones from the gravel path across from our house on the bases to add a little extra texture.